
Rapid-fire with Comedy Queen Faiza Saleem

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One fine day the legal eagle fled her nest to pursue a much-dreamt-about career in comedy, at a time when comedy was not acknowledged as a career. Of massive online fame and following, is our very own Faiza Saleem, who pioneered the trend of social media entertainment by women and went on to accredit films, TV and theatre to her name. Warm, friendly and a great conversationalist, with no snobbery impinging, Faiza presses on the importance of being herself over and over again, in an industry that demands otherwise. This first social media entertainer joins MAG for a quick and fun rapid fire. Here are 60 seconds from her life. Excerpts:

What do people not know about you?

I’m not as tough as I look, I’m not as bossy as I look and I’m genuine. One thing that I am not is artificial. I can’t fake it.

If your life had a theme song, what would it be?

Read All About It by Emile Sande.

If you could bring one fictional character to life, who would it be?

Scarlett O’ Hara from Gone with the Wind.

Do you have a useless talent?

I can do an eyebrow dance.

Best compliment you have ever received?

That you’ve changed the face of comedy in Pakistan.

If you could be a child for one day, what would you do?

I’ll run around making everyone laugh without thinking about the repercussions.

An item you like to collect?

Souvenirs from all over the world. Sometimes boarding passes too.

What can turn the day around for you?

My mother telling me she’s proud of me.

Your favourite health care regimen?

Drinking lots and lots of water.

Tell us an embarrassing story.

This one time I got really upset about the TV not working and kept asking Abuzer, my husband, for help only to realise that the TV was okay, just not plugged in. I was too upset to notice. Unfortunately, he tells this story whenever and wherever he can.

Something you wish you had more time to do?

Travel for fun and not just for work.

If you could meet a person for the first time again, who would it be?

My husband.

A beauty product you swear by?

Flat out fabulous by MAC.