
OpenAI allows military integration in latest update

OpenAI updates has ignited discussions about potential collaborations with defense departments

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OpenAI allows military integration in latest update

OpenAI, known for its advancements in artificial intelligence, has quietly made changes to its policies, lifting the ban on military applications.

The alteration, reported by The Intercept on January 12, involves removing language that previously restricted activities posing a "high risk of physical harm," explicitly mentioning "weapons development" and "military and warfare."

The amended guidelines, effective January 10, now prohibit users from employing OpenAI technology, including Large Language Models (LLMs), for "developing or using weapons."

This adjustment has ignited discussions about potential collaborations between OpenAI and defense departments, particularly in the utilization of generative AI for administrative or intelligence purposes.

Against the backdrop of the U.S. Department of Defense advocating responsible AI use in military contexts, the move raises ethical questions about AI's role in decision support systems, intelligence operations, and autonomous military vehicles.

OpenAI spokesperson Niko Felix explained that the update aimed to create universally applicable principles, emphasizing the broad yet easily understandable directive of "Don't harm others."

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The statement read, "Military AI capabilities includes not only weapons but also decision support systems that help defense leaders at all levels make better and more timely decisions, from the battlefield to the boardroom, and systems relating to everything from finance, payroll, and accounting, to the recruiting, retention, and promotion of personnel, to collection and fusion of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance data."

The modification aligns with the growing integration of AI technologies in military applications, prompting scrutiny and concern from AI watchdogs and activists regarding the potential consequences and biases associated with AI deployment in warfare.