
8 exercises to get rid of lower back fat

Exercises You Should Do To Reduce Back Fat

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8 exercises to get rid of lower back fat

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve got lower back fat that you’d like to lose. You’ve also probably followed guides on how to get rid of lower back fat before, only to be frustrated at how slowly your back and love handles firm up. Well, that stops now. Here, you’ll learn everything you need to know about losing lower back fat, including what lower back fat is, what causes it, why it’s so stubborn, how to use diet and exercise to lose lower back fat, and the best lower back fat exercises you can do.

What is lower back fat?

Lower back fat refers to any fat that’s stored between the top of your butt and the bottom of your rib cage on the back side of your body. Although it isn’t technically on your back, most people count any fat that’s stored on the sides of your torso at navel height (sometimes known as “love handles” or a “spare tire”) as lower back fat, too. Many people want to know how to get rid of lower back fat because it can be particularly unsightly, especially if you wear tight-fitting clothing on your bottom half and your lower back fat appears to “pour” over the waistband (an effect known as a “muffin top”).

Most guides on how to get rid of lower back fat recommend you do specific lower back fat exercises. This is wrongheaded because you can’t “spot reduce” fat. The best exercises for reducing your body fat percentage (and building muscle) are compound exercises.

If you want to maximize the fat-burning effects of weightlifting: train three-to-five times per week. Focus on doing compound exercises such as the squat, deadlift, and bench, and overhead press. Lift weights that are 75-to-85% of your one-rep max (weights that you can do 6-to-12 reps with before failing). Strive to add weight or reps to every exercise in every workout (also known as progressive overload).

Exercises You Should Do To Reduce Back Fat

Deadlift: The deadlift trains every muscle on the back side of your body (including your lower back) and allows you to use some of the heaviest weights in any of your workouts, which means it’s ideal for gaining strength and muscle, and burning a ton of calories.

Back Squat: The back squat is hands down the most effective leg exercise you can do. It also allows you to use heavy weights, which means it’s highly effective for building muscle and losing fat.

Front Squat: Researches show that the front squat trains the quads just as effectively as the back squat, even when you use up to 20% less weight. What’s more, research also shows that the front squat places considerably less compressive forces on your knees and lower back, which make it a particularly good alternative to back squats for people who have knee or back issues.

Lat Pulldown: The lat pulldown is an excellent exercise for training your lats, biceps, and traps, especially for beginners who struggle to do chin-ups and pull-ups.

Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise: The dumbbell side lateral raise isolates the lateral (side) head of the deltoids, which is important if you want your shoulders to have full, proportionate development.

Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise: The dumbbell rear lateral raise is a great exercise for training your rear delts, which are small, stubborn muscles that often need a bit of extra attention if you want them to grow as quickly as your other shoulder muscles.

Overhead Press: As well as improving upper body strength, chest, shoulder, and tricep size, the overhead press develops your whole-body balance and coordination.

Donkey Kicks: Donkey Kicks have multiple benefits for the lower body, toning lower back muscles being one of them. It is an excellent way to keep the lower body in shape and maintain a fit and toned calf and thighs. These should be performed with great care to prevent muscular damage at the back and legs. Those with typical back conditions should avoid excessive straining.