
10-minute yoga workout to keep you fit and healthy

Yoga workout can be done at any time of day which is feasible for you

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10-minute yoga workout to keep you fit and healthy

Yoga poses to practice in the morning are an excellent way to begin your day. Early yoga workout is beneficial for boosting blood flow and energy levels throughout the day.

The best thing about yoga is that you can do it whenever and anywhere you choose. There is no restriction on time, duration, or location. It maintains the body and mind active, energetic, cheerful, and concentrated throughout the day.

The yoga asanas in this 10-minute yoga are appropriate for persons of all ages and skill levels. There is always the option of changing, modifying, or skipping a yoga asana.

It completely depends on your preferences and what works best for you, When you're short on time but still want to meet your fitness goals, try this expert-recommended 10-minute yoga session.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

It has numerous physical and psychological benefits, including improved breathing and cardiovascular health.

Skull Shining Breathing Technique

It has a huge range of distinct mental, physical, and spiritual benefits. It contributes to the overall well-being. It also helps to correct the low blood circulation in the body as well as de-stresses the mind. Further, it removes toxins, and other waste materials from the body and improves the health of your skin giving a radiant glow. It is also instrumental in weight loss and reducing belly fat.

Sun Salutation

It means bowing down to the sun in the morning. It strengthens our muscles and joints, improves the functioning of the digestive system, and is effective in losing weight. It also prevents hair loss by increasing the blood circulation in the scalp.

Tabletop Pose

It is a restorative yoga posture that helps to relax the spine and opens up the chest to breathe more deeply.

Cat-Cow Pose

It aids in the improvement of posture, balance, and muscle flexibility. Thus, it enables us to go for more advanced and complex poses. It also strengthens the spine by enhancing the blood flow. The cow stretch activates the tailbone (the spin's root), whereas the cat stretch relieves tension in the neck and upper back.

Mountain Pose

It has a wide range of benefits from improving posture, coordination, agility, relieving sciatic pain, and boosting blood circulation, toning the core muscles, and strengthening the back, hips, and legs.

Camel Pose

It is the backward bending of the spine. It alleviates constipation, relieves back pain, and reduces fat on the abdomen, thighs, and arms. It is a natural way to correct the wrong sitting postures.

Warrior I

This energizing pose strengthens the muscles in your legs, arms, and back. It also gives your chest, shoulders, neck, thighs, and ankles a nice stretch.

Dolphin Pose

This asana builds strength in the upper body, stimulates the nervous system, and lengthens the spine.

Corpse Pose

It might look like the simplest pose but it has a huge range of benefits. You must do it at the end of the yoga session as it relieves us from the building physical and mental stress from the yoga session. It helps in calming the central nervous system, aiding the digestive and immune systems. Further, it reduces headache, fatigue and anxiety, and lowers blood pressure and promotes spiritual awakening by enhancing the awareness of higher consciousness.