
Ask A Dermatologist

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How long should I remain red or irritated after a treatment? What are some things I should stay away from after treatments?

We usually tell patients that it depends on the treatment. For microneedling, certain lasers, and chemical peels, it’s three to five days. Things to avoid are prolonged sun exposure, as this may cause darkening of skin called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation; retinoid products, which prolong healing time; and thick creams, which may cause an acne outbreak.

What could be a factor causing breakouts when my diet is good, and I keep my skin very clean?

Acne is from something toxic in your environment, it is not about cleanliness. You can eat well now but have an issue from earlier dietary habits or exposure to something that is more toxic than you realise.

What are the best ways to treat under-eye bags and get firmness back?

It all depends on where the bags are and what causes them. There are ‘festoons’, which are muscles under the eyes that get weakened, there’s herniated fat that pushes forward, loose skin and water retentions. Depending on your skin type, treatments vary- such as topical treatments, laser treatments, radiofrequency, ultrasonic or surgical treatments. There are a lot of options! As far as instant fixes go, egg whites are great at-home treatment! As they dry, they help make that delicate skin tighter. Cold aloe, tea bags, and ice cubes are also great.

What’s a safe age for Botox?

Look, when you’re thinking about getting Botox you have to ask yourself why you want to get it. The thing is, when you start getting Botox, it makes the muscles around your face lazy because they don’t have to work that hard anymore. If you’re within the ages between 18-21 and thinking about getting it, we would say you’re too young but if you insist on getting it, consult with your dermatologist for anti-aging advice and what measures to follow and go from there. The one thing you have to know about preventative Botox is that as you use it, those muscles that produce lines end up being paralysed and dependent on the Botox. So, doing it too early and too frequently can backfire. Oftentimes, patients don’t need Botox but they want it. Know the difference between those two.