
10 Winter Hair Care Tips for Healthy Locks

With the right winter hair care tips, the beautiful locks can be protected from becoming fragile

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Sitting by the fire with a hot cup of cocoa and covered by a warm wooly blanket – there is nothing like winter. However, the hair require some extra care in the cold season.

With the right winter hair care tips, the beautiful locks can be protected from becoming fragile and breakage-prone.

Moisturise Your Scalp with Hair Oil

During winter, your scalp gets dry and itchy due to the lack of moisture in the air. This may lead to dandruff, scalp irritation, and flakiness, causing hair fall. A hot oil massage with nourishing hair oils like coconut and olive oils works wonders. These oils penetrate the hair shaft and keep the hair moisturized.

Avoid Frequent Hair Washes

Frequently washing your hair with shampoos strips off its natural oils, causing further dryness and irritation. Try to extend the time between your washes. Do not shampoo your hair more than twice a week. Always use a sulfate-free and mild shampoo to maintain the natural moisture balance.

Conditioning The Hair in Right Way

Never skip the conditioner during winter. Use a thick, creamy conditioner containing natural oils like coconut, olive, jojoba oils, and shea butter for deep hydration and nourishment.

Avoid Heat Styling Tools

Your hair is already delicate during winter, and using heat styling tools can make it brittle, causing hair breakage. Embrace your natural hair texture and air dry your tresses as much as possible. Avoid blow drying as it draws moisture out of your hair.

Apply a Deep Conditioning Hair Mask Weekly

Weekly hair mask treatments are an excellent preventative measure to ensure your overall hair health. A hair mask with nourishing and moisturising ingredients like egg and honey conditions the hair. These ingredients moisturise dry locks, enhance hair growth, add shine, and soften the hair. Egg yolk has water-soluble peptides that condition and stimulates hair growth.

Protect Hair from Static

Static hair is the most annoying thing in the winter. Lack of moisture, combined with the friction caused by sweaters, scarves, hoodies, and hair brushes, makes your hair frizzy and static. To handle this situation, use a vented hairbrush with a combination of boar and plastic bristles. Apply a leave-in conditioner to prevent static and keep the hair smooth.

Avoid Hot Showers

A hot water shower in the freezing weather is always tempting. But hot water can remove the natural oils and moisture from your hair, making it dry. It may also make the scalp dry and cause flakiness. Always wash your hair with lukewarm water and blast with cold water at the ends to help seal the hair cuticles.

Switch to Microfibre Towels

Avoid using cotton bath towels to dry your hair. Instead, use microfibre towels. They are gentle on your hair, have high water absorbing capacity, and help reduce friction and hair drying time. On the other hand, cotton or any other material can make your hair rough and create tangles, frizz, and flyaways.

Get Regular Trims

The dry and cold air in the winter causes hair breakage and split ends. Friction from hats and scarves puts additional strain on your hair. To prevent this, trim your hair every four to eight weeks. This keeps your hair looking fresh in the winter. Trim your hair half an inch off the bottom to remove dry, split ends.

Eat Healthy to Keep Your Hair Healthy

Foods rich in protein are beneficial for hair health. Increase your intake of all essential vitamin-rich foods like carrots, eggs, pumpkins, and berries. Follow a balanced diet that combines vegetables, leafy greens, dairy products, omega-3 fatty acids, and meat to keep your body and hair healthy.