Gossip Herald

Term of Services

Welcome to Gossip Herald, bringing you engaging lifestyle content and the latest entertainment news from around the world. These terms of use control your use of Gossip Herald content, services, products and other offerings.

Please read these terms carefully before scrolling through Gossip Herald; if you do not agree with any part of these terms, please exit the site. If you have any questions about these terms, please contact us at [email protected].

Changes may be considered in these terms under the “last revised” date above. When we make changes to these terms we may also notify users via email or posting a specific notice on our site. However, it is recommended to review this policy every now and then to stay informed about how we operate our website.

We also encourage you to share any concerns about these terms directly with us at [email protected].

Social Media and Community:

We do our best to make sure the information on this site is accurate and up-to-date. However, there is a limit to the extent we can review the posts on our community and social media sites.

Gossip Herald does not take responsibility for any posting, whether it is from a user, a celebrity or an “expert” guest, or from a member of our staff.

There are a few portions on the website, blogs and social media, where you can submit posts or exchange ideas, and opinions.

However, by posting such content, you agree to our terms of use. This means that you are solely responsible for all the consequences that may arise from the submitted content. Such posts do not reflect the views of the site.

Moreover, we have the complete liberty to remove and delete any content or restrict your access to the site if your post is deemed to violate the terms of this agreement.


When signing up on the website, we can ask you to create a previously unused user name and respective password which will help us to gain access to certain features and content on the platform.

We urge you to carefully read our Privacy Policy as the username and password you create are only known to you and we do not use them under any circumstances whatsoever.

Therefore, we are not responsible if such information is leaked and in case of the mentioned scenario, kindly inform us immediately.

Rights to content:

All of the content of the website, whether its text, image, video, graphical material, or copyrightable elements, is the property of Gossip Herald and its affiliates.

You, therefore, are advised to not modify or delete the notices posted on the Site, this also includes any material you download, share, print or recreate from the site.


By registering or scrolling through the site, you may receive re-directed messages from third parties such as advertisers and our promotional partners.

All such messages are strictly between you and the said party, making you not responsible in any way