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Celebrity Birthdays

Celebrity Birthday Today: Bradley Cooper, Irina Shayk to blow candles this month

Bradley Cooper, Irina Shayk are among stars who'll be celebrating their birthdays this week

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Celebrity Birthday Today: Bradley Cooper, Irina Shayk to blow candles this month

Bradley Cooper, Irina Shayk are among stars who'll be celebrating their birthdays this week

Celebrity Birthday Today: Bradley Cooper, Irina Shayk to blow candles this month

With  the arrival of New Year, some celebrities from Hollywood as well as Lollywood will be also be  marking their birthdays.

Pakistani star Eman Suleman will blow candles on the 1st of January 2023 followed by Mehwish Hayat's special day on December 12.

The Hollywood heartthrob Bradley Cooper will also celebrate his big day this month on the 5th.

The A Star Is Born actor's rumoured girlfriend  will also celebrate her birthday this week most probably with Cooper and her daughter.